October 2021 Prayer Requests from David and Leanne Jimenez
Here are some prayer requests from Newlove Christian Church.
Please pray for our entire family. Jed contracted the Covid19 two weeks ago and passed it unto all of us. At the time of this email Jed condition has improved a lot. He has the pressure of his classes at Calpoly starting this week, so he is going to tried to find ways to make up those sessions he missed. Today, Wednesday was his first day of school.
I am having a difficult time dealing with this virus. I couldn’t preach last Sunday and couldn’t teach the Zume class on Saturday. It’s been a long week with long nights trying to get some rest. Yesterday I passed out and noticed my oxygen levels were in 87-88. If this continues I will need to go to the hospital. Please continue to pray for me.
Leanne was the next one in showing symptoms. The school is requiring for her to say in quarantine for 10 days but with everyone else having the virus at home, she might have to be quarantined a little longer and hopefully doesn’t develop serious symptoms.
Eden, was the last one in showing symptoms, and obviously is missing school and is fighting the virus at home.
All this came up all at the sudden, we are just depending on God’s grace to go through this.