October 2021 Prayer Needs from Travis and Natasha Phillips
Dear prayer partners, Thank you for praying for us! Here are a few things on our hearts as we go into October:
Family: Please continue to pray for complete healing for our niece who is recovering from a major surgery after years of chronic pain. It has been really amazing to see her out and about and attending family get-togethers. Praise the Lord!
Please pray for our 3-year old (Eleanor) as she continues pre-school and is memorizing her first Bible verses about God and creation. So much is just words right now, but over time those words will take on meaning for her. Please pray that she will, in time, understand God’s grand story and her part in it, and that she will understand the gospel in the years to come and believe it.
Philippines : Please continue to pray for the family of one of our fellow missionaries in the Philippines who passed away in a tragic accident at the end of August. Please also pray for the other missionaries who are supporting and comforting this family in their loss, and dealing with the loss of a coworker.
We are now in week 6 of phase 2 of Bisaya language study! We are meeting with our language helper (Kuya Wendel) via Microsoft Teams twice a week, each session lasting two hours. Please pray that our brains would soak up the language and that we would be able to produce the language clearly as well. Praise the Lord that so many family members have offered to play with our kids while we do these sessions so we can fully focus. We record our live sessions, then review/study those recordings many times over to cement that vocabulary/grammar structure into our minds. We appreciate prayer for this learning process!
New Testament Greek:My live (on Zoom) N.T. Greek course on John 9 continues, and I continue to thoroughly enjoy it!
Visas/Entry Exemptions:We applied for entry exemptions for the Philippines in the beginning of June, and we continue to wait for those to be processed. The Philippine government continues to keep the whole country in some level of quarantine. Children are not allowed outside of the house in many parts of the country. Vaccine rollout continues to improve but hospitals are full. Please pray for recovery of the nation and that this time will serve the spread of the gospel. Please pray for the Philippines!
In Christ,
Travis and Natasha