Jan 2023 Prayer Requests from David and Leanne Jimenez
Here are some prayer requests from Newlove Church.
How are you doing? Here are some prayer requests from Newlove Church.
For Maria de los Angeles, one of the church members that had been away from the chuch for a few months. I had the chance to talk with her last week and she made the decision to come back and start the healing process.
For Moisés. He came to church this past Sunday and expressed his desire to plug into a small group. We gave him a few options, please pray as he make his choice.
For our daughter Eden. She tested positive for Covid this last Sunday. She has been isolated since then and we are praying none of the rest of the family get sick.
We will resume the children ministry next week. For the volunteers and kids attending.
Thanks again for your partnership with us in this ministry.