Feb 2023 Prayer Requests from David and Leanne Jimenez

I hope by now you’re completely recovered. I can’t believe we are almost in February! Anyhow, here are some prayer requests from Newlove Church.

For the Children’s ministry kick off next week. After a few weeks off for the end of the year we are starting back again. For Lisa and her faithful ministry to the community kids.

For Maria de los Angeles and here spiritual growth, she is been back in church for the last few weeks and is committed to her bible study.

For Pedro and his family as they go through a difficult time of health problems.

For Rey as he leads the homeless ministry and continue to shares the gospel in the community.

For our family. Leanne continues her journey with MS and learns how to live with it, Jed started the new quarter at CalPoly the first week of January, Eden started her class at Hancock College this week.

Thank you ABC for your continued partnership with us in this ministry and we look forward to another year of fruitful ministry in the Hispanic community of Santa Maria.