March 2021 Prayer Requests from David and Leanne Jimenez

Please pray for the following: Josabet, she has been attending our church for about a couple of months and two weeks ago she gave her life to Christ. Since then, she hasn’t missed any Sunday services. She is an Elementary school aid in Mexico and now she wants to be involved in Sunday school teaching. We are also directing her in using her gifts to serve and minister to the ladies in the church. Our Sunday services. We have moved from meeting in the basing of a local church (FCC) to our facilities in Newlove. We enclosed the carport and created a spacious room where we can meet the health guidelines. For our new ministry projects in the community. We are praying for a literacy outreach in the Newlove community led by church members. Please continue to pray for our family and the challenges of managing work, family time, ministry, children, etc. in the midst of this crazy time of COVID.

Thanks again for partnering with us in reaching the migrant community in Santa Maria with the Gospel. We truly appreciate your support and prayers.

In His Service,

David, Leanne, Jed, and Eden