October 2020 Prayer Needs from Travis and Natasha Phillips
Dear prayer partners,
Thank you for lifting up our praises and requests before the Lord of heaven and earth. Even when our circumstances feel uncertain, His plan is certain and good.
Natasha is teaching on Daniel 5 for the women’s Bible study at ABC at the beginning of October, and later in the month, she’ll be preparing to teach on Daniel 9. Please pray that the Lord would speak to the hearts of women for His glory through the study of Daniel.
Travis was accepted into an online intermediate-level New Testament Greek course which covers Acts 1-7. Like his beginner-level course at the missionary training center, this course will be taught as a live language (speaking, listening, reading, and writing). This will be very helpful down the road when doing or helping with Bible translation. Please pray for his mind to be able to soak up the language while simultaneously learning the Filipino language “Visayan.”
Please pray for the Philippines to begin re-opening their borders and our final 10% of financial support still needed for overseas ministry.
Thank you!
In Christ,
Travis & Natasha
Ethnos360 Missionaries