Sept 2022 Prayer Needs from Travis and Natasha Phillips
Sorry for the delay in sending our prayer link. Our family has been healthy for a couple of weeks (praise the Lord), so we have been quite busy with our language studies, team meetings and raising two little girls. We are packing right now for a visit to a village where a church was planted a few years ago, and the believers are still being taught some NT epistles for the first time. Lord willing we will fly into a second village (different language group) next week to visit missionaries and meet the believers in a much older church plant. The missionaries are just working on O.T. translation, and the church is led by indigenous elders that have been taught thoroughly through the Scriptures.
Anyway, here's our prayer link:
Thanks so much for your prayers and financial support. We are thankful to be here, and grateful to be growing in our language ability, understanding of culture, relationships within the local church and relationships with those who have yet to hear and understand the gospel of grace in Jesus Christ. Thanks for standing alongside us in ministry!