Oct 2022 Prayer Needs from Travis and Natasha Phillips
We are so grateful for the support of our ABC family, whether it be through prayer, finances or encouragement. We pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to impress upon your hearts, through this year’s mission conference, the real privilege of bringing the Good News of Jesus to those who have no real opportunity to hear God’s word taught to them in their mother tongue.
As we write this, both of our kids are sick, but we are trying our best to get all of our language hours in. We appreciate prayers for perseverance and good attitudes as we face various challenges, including sickness. Praise the Lord that many logistical challenges have been resolved in the last few weeks.
This month we will be wrapping up phase 3 of language and culture study and beginning phase 4 (there are 5 phases total). Phase 4 is 6 months. We appreciate your prayers for language learning as we delve into more complex grammar structures and continue to learn new vocabulary. In phase 4 we need to find two new part-time language helpers, so please pray that the Lord would connect us with the right people for that. We are also hoping to increase our involvement with the local church in this phase of learning as our ability to communicate grows.
Eleanor started public preschool about a month ago, and we appreciate prayers for her as she is the only non-filipino student, and the Bisaya language is confusing and daunting for her. We praise the Lord that she made a couple of little friends in the first week, and one of those friends has already played with her at our home.
We praise the Lord that our coworkers in a tribal location were able to complete the translation of Ephesians and Hebrews last month for the first time in the Banwaon language. Other coworkers are currently working on Bible translation in other languages. The Lord is continuing to work through fallible people to present His infallible Word to least reached people groups here on our island.
“For from him and through him and to him are all things. To him be glory forever. Amen.” -Romans 11:36, ESV
Thank you for your prayers!