Oct 2022 Prayer Needs Brad and Hannah Smith

.Pray With Us:

Thank you for your prayers regarding our time in California. It was a great trip! Things have ramped up for us with school schedules and extracurricular sports and lessons. We're enjoying the change of pace. Pray for continued connections.

I will be leading another Revangelism training for a church in Georgia. Pray for the hearts and minds of those attending and courage toget out there and talk with their neighbors.

The church we have been going to is looking to integrate some of Communitas' training material into their discipleship process. This is very exciting! Pray we are all sensitive to the Spirit as to what the right direction is to take.

I mentioned a bunch of trainings above - these all will require a lot of networking and organization to make them regular, official, sponsored, and well attended, successful courses. Please pray for me as I manage all the ins and outs of leading my team.

Family health is always appreciated!

We are finally working our way through an official cross-cultural debrief. I think it's coming at the perfect time - things have really settled into life here. Pray these meetings are productive and helpful.

Dan Kummet