July 2023 Prayer Needs from Travis and Natasha Phillips

 Thank you for continuing to pray for our family and ministry in the Philippines. I (Travis) had a whirlwind of a trip back to the U.S. (1 week) where I had the opportunity to officiate my best friend’s wedding, meet with elders, deacons and staff of ABC, golf with my dad for Father’s Day and, of course, visit with family and friends. Please praise the Lord with us for His grace in allowing all of that in such a short time. As I write this, I am about to board my first of four flights to return to our home in the southern Philippines to continue language learning and engaging/partnering with the local church.

Please pray for Natasha and I that July would be an ultra-productive time of language learning.

Please also pray for wisdom in how we help a family in our local church whose baby boy has a heart defect. Sometimes helping is hurting, so we need wisdom from the Lord in how to help them both physically and spiritually.

We don’t have any travel plans in July, just pressing forward in life and ministry. Thank you for praying. 

ABC Team