Oct 2022 Prayer Needs from Bob and Susan
Here are my prayer requests for October:
Pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send church plant movement leaders to be equipped, certified and commissioned as Evangel Deans.
Pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send church plant teams to be trained, commissioned and released into the harvest field to plant healthy churches in communities of poverty.
October 26 - November 5 I will be in Cuba for an Evangel Training for 29 leaders connected to the prison system as Chaplains. Six will be commissioned as Evangel Deans - one for each district in Cuba and Alex Santiesteban who is the National Director overseeing the 2,100 Chaplains. The other twenty-three will be commissioned as Evangel Dean Coaches. The vision is for all 2,100 chaplains to be Evangel Dean Coaches that will facilitate a healthy church planting movement in Cuba. Please pray for final preparations, protection, and provision.
We have 20 international leaders seeking their visa approval to attend the International Evangel Dean Training, January 25-28 at Atascadero Bible Church. Please pray that those whom the Lord would have here for the training would have the visa interviews and approvals completed by December 25, 2022. Pray also for wisdom as we continue the detailed preparations for this time.