May 2022 Prayer Needs from Bob and Susan
Prayer requests for Q4 for Urban Church Planting:
Pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send church plant movement leaders to be equipped, certified and commissioned as Evangel Deans.
Pray to the Lord of the Harvest to send church plant teams to our 65 Evangel Deans so that the teams can be trained, commissioned and released into the harvest field to plant healthy churches in communities of poverty.
I will be in Mexico City, May 20-22 speaking at the Great Commission Conference. I will be one of the presenters for the conference and will speak at the Sunday Service of the host church, Camino de Vida. Pray that I hear clearly from the Lord and communicate exactly what He wants the delegates and the church members to hear.
Pray for wisdom as I work with the Bishop of the Florida Diocese and the Bishop of the Gulf Coast and Carolina's Diocese for the Charismatic Episcopal Church. I am in the first phase with both leaders.Their desire is for the Gospel to move forward leading to the strengthening and multiplication of churches.
Continue to be in prayer for the August 16-18 Evangel Gathering. Pray for wisdom and direction as I meet with the various committees. Pray also that the right church plant movement leaders will respond and join us for our theme: Sacred Roots Thriving in Ministry: Moving Forward to Multiply.