April 2022 Prayer Needs Brad and Hannah Smith
Here’s what’s going on. Thanks for praying!
ABC/New Update Prayer Requests:
Thank you to ABC for your generous support!
We are excited to share that we are finally settling! The boys are enjoying school and making friends. Hannah and I have also made some good connections. Thankful to the Lord for how these are progressing.
We are still very much transitioning to life in the USA. Life is very different here and we’ve changed more than we realized. Your prayers for transition are appreciated.
We have some exciting projects on the horizon. We are developing a prayer course for Communitas with a team of missionaries. Communitas believes this is the first and most important starting point in missions, and a largely misunderstood one. In addition, we are in the early phases of developing a missional prayer website, which we will use as a launching point for the other courses developed. Finally, we are developing a website to house all the courses that will be offered. This gives us opportunity to train potential missionaries with Communitas, as well as Christians just looking to see God do something across the street.
It’s a blessing to see how God is providing all these new opportunities. Whether friends, or neighbors, or potential ministry partners, we see God leading the way. Thank you for your friendship and faithful support.