April 2022 Prayer Requests from David and Leanne Jimenez

Greetings from the Newlove Community here in Santa Maria. Here is some prayers requests from Newlove Christian Church. Please continue to pray for the following:

For the Zume training course. We are in week # 8 and it has been a challenge for everyone in the class. Please pray for the 13 students/church members as they go out and share what they have been learning.

For the Youth group and the new leader Jose. They started the meeting a couple of weeks ago and they are getting to know each other and hopefully the group will grow as they plan on inviting other young people from the community.

For Milagro and his wife. They came to visit our church a few months ago and later accepted the gift of salvation and now worship the LORD with us.

For our family as we are moving out from the house we had been renting as it’s going to be sold and we are looking for a new place. We are planning on moving out by the end of May/early June.

We praise the Lord for my full recovery from COVID after 5 months, although now dealing with some of the aftermath. Because of laying for months on my stomach, I developed ulnar nerve damage and 2 weeks ago I had surgery on my right arm to release the nerve. In about 6-7 weeks the Dr. will schedule the surgery on the left arm.

For our finances as the bills from the hospital, anesthesiologist, x rays, etc. keep coming. We have insurance, but even paying our share, it adds up to thousands of dollars.


Thanks again ABC for your prayers and support to this ministry. You have been such a blessing to us.

In His Service,

David and Leanne.