April 2023 Prayer Requests from Bob and Susan Engel

April Prayer requests: 

April 13-22 I will be in Cuba with our Spanish Evangel Dean Team of five where we will commission an Evangel Dean Catalyst, 16 Evangel Deans, and train 160 chaplains doing prison ministry. I will also be preaching. We have a vision to train all 2100 chaplains in all 5 districts of Cuba that, by the grace of God, will lead to a Gospel movement culminating in hundreds, if not thousands of churches being planted. Please pray for the following: 1) the Holy Spirit to go before us, 2) the right message the Lord wants me to preach, 3) protection, 4) financial provision.    

Begin to pray now for the July 13-16 Evangel Gathering to take place at Atascadero Bible Church. This is an invitation to a unique group of leaders who are equipping Released Citizens from prison to plant churches and those who are equipping leaders doing Kingdom work inside of prisons to plant churches. Specifically pray that: 1) the right leaders will respond, 2) that the details will fall into place, 3) our costs will be covered, 4) the speakers and presenters will receive spiritual key insights to communicate to the attendees.  

Dan Kummet