April 2023 Update from Brooke Bateman
I pray you are well and strengthened by the goodness and love of our Father.
I have been dealing with health issues and would really appreciate your prayers for healing, strength and wisdom in how to manage it all. I praise God for health and strength today! I am working on dialing in a good and proper diet and exercise that works well for my issues. :) Prayer is appreciated for wisdom and a heart that focuses on the good.
The workshop I interpreted for last week went really well!! God is doing a great job within our team working to serve the Deaf throughout the world. This particular meeting was focused on those who are working in Eurasia (Europe and Africa.) Please pray as the next workshop will be in Asia this April then the next in the Americas ( Central and South America mostly). We are seeking God and asking what things we need to keep and what things we need to change to better adapt to the current needs, and realities specific to the regions and most importantly to be guided by the Lord. We have teammates who have been on team 20 plus years and many who have just joined in the past 3 years (including myself). And everything in between! So we have TREMENDOUS things to learn from one another! We are a team made of a variety of ages, ethnic backgrounds, languages, cultures and experiences! It is quite exciting and very special that we are allowed this time to bring all of it to the table and discern what God wants from us as we look ahead at how to best support Deaf Bible translation and community/Sign Language development.
Speaking of collaboration and seeking God. I will be interpreting for two conferences this April. :)
The first conference is:Global Partnerships, in collaboration with multiple Bible Translation Ministry Organizations and alongside roughly 150 Deaf Leaders from 84 different countries, are coming together in North Cyprus, April 12-14, 2023, to strategize, foster, network, and share training opportunities with 99 Sign Languages who have yet to meet ETEN’s All Access Goals. In addition to Deaf Leaders, about 50 Hearing leaders will be coming to work alongside each other to advance the work of Sign Language Bible Translation. For this event, we want a team of 16-20 interpreters in American Sign Language (4-6), International Sign (4), Russian Sign Language (2-3), and Arabic Sign Language (2-3). We will collaborate with Global Partnerships to recruit and hire Russian and Arabic interpreters.
PLEASE PRAY FOR ME TO INTERPRET WITH EXCELLENCE! I am one of the 4 International interpreters for this event! There will be a mix of dozens of sign languages. PLEASE PRAY for me to prepare well these weeks leading up the event. That during my time there my mind will be sharp and I can communicate with clarity and a sharp mind! Pray for God to be honored in EVERYTHING I SAY AND DO! :)
The second event will be in Greece at the FOBAI conference: April 23th-28th
Deaf leaders and Bible Translators will be present with the FOBAI (Forum of Bible Agencies International) members. This is a space for learning, sharing and collaboration in keeping with the standards and goals of Bible translations around the world. One major piece is translating by what is called CANA (Clear, accurate, Natural, and Accepted by the community). There is a wide range of focus topics some of which include technology and Scripture Engagement. Please pray for me to be sharp, full of love and grace and wisdom. I really need to be my best to interpret such high-level content. I am beyond humbled and grateful to be invited to the internet both of these events. Please pray that I serve the Deaf well and that I can communicate everything they came to learn and contribute. This is impossible without the grace of God.
Meanwhile, I am still working on learning Romanian and a few other sign languages. I need wisdom in what to prioritize and when. I do get discouraged that I will never speak Romanian well. I do understand quite a bit. Nonetheless, I will trust the process and I only pray to be a better steward. Time management is challenging with switching languages and focus :)