Aug 2023 Prayer Requests from Bob and Susan Engel

Praise. Thank you to the Atascadero Bible Church for hosting the 2023 Evangel Gathering. Your love and hospitality truly reflect the Lord and His Kingdom. Over 40 individuals, represent 24 ministries and networks, from 5 countries (Rwanda, Zambia, Tanzania, Bangladesh, Mexico) and about 10 states, converged on your campus for a mission's conference focused on church planting with Returning Citizens and planting within correctional facilities.  Friendships flourished for the purpose of missions.

Prayer. I travel to Denver, August 7-10, for World Impact meetings. Pray for wisdom and clear leading as we focus on moving forward with our vision of, " a healthy church planted in every community of poverty."  

Prayer. Evangel Dean Training in Indianapolis, August 17-19. Six Teams will be commissioned, and an Evangel Dean Catalyst from Ethiopia will be commissioned. Pray for the Spirit to be in our time. 

Prayer. August 24-28, I will be in Mexico with Dr. Davis, for the Great Commission Conference facilitated by our Evangel Dean Catalyst, David Hernandez. Over 200 pastors will be in attendance. Pray for strength and clarity as we present in plenaries and workshops. 

Dan Kummet