Aug 2023 Prayer Requests from Cory and Kristiana Miller
PRAISE God for the staff team he prepared for GEM-K Conference. We have 16 staff members this year, including a nurse, a nanny for our kids, small group leaders, teachers for our sessions, someone leading games, musicians to guide us through sung worship, and wonderful, humble support staff members who help the whole thing run smoothly.
· Please pray for our sessions and each speaker: Podge Cross, Cory Miller, Hanna Weinheimer, and me.
· Please pray over our small groups. Pray for trust and safety within each group, so every teen feels comfortable engaging honestly, that our leaders would lead and listen well, and that the group time would be encouraging and helpful.
· Please pray over our one-on-ones. These individual conversations between teens and staff are a staple of GEM-K: an opportunity for these missionary kids to speak about deep heart issues or ask tough questions. Pray with us that God would give the teenagers soft and responsive hearts to his Spirit, and our leaders great wisdom to respond well.
· Please pray over our sexual boundaries training and the conversations that follow.
· Please pay a blessing over the fun parts of GEM-K Conference: our group games, outings, and activities, especially. Pray for joy that honors God, connection, laughter, and both physical and emotional safety for both teens and staff.
· Please pray that our teenagers and staff would remain healthy and uninjured, and that if anything medical happens while we are together, the staff present would know exactly what to do, and do it well.
· Please pray for the “small stuff.” Pray that administrative tasks would get done so relationships and experiences can thrive and the Holy Spirit can work without hindrances. Pray that our car would be safe and run smoothly for the long drives to and from Germany and the many short drives we will need to do while we are there.
· Please pray for Rylynn and Melody during that week. They will attend the children’s program at the main hotel and spend the rest of the time with their nanny for the week, Melissa. Pray for safety, joy, and a lot of fun! Also, please pray that a love for Jesus would grow in them through these experiences, and that profound truths would take hold in a permanent way in their hearts.
· Please pray for Pacha, our sweet new puppy, who will be staying behind in Vienna with friends from our church that week. Pray that he would be safe and un-traumatized by being left behind, and that he would thrive and mature well in this new setting, so we come home to a peaceful, happy dog.
· Please pray for peace for me, if you would. I tend to get pretty stressed out and on-edge before a week as intense as GEM-K, and I hold more responsibility this time than ever before.