February 2020 Prayer Requests from Luke Thek

  • Praise God! God works from afar! Out of the  BLUE a guy in California called me and is now my largest donor. Insane.

  • Please pray for the basketball ministry. I am SO STOKED for a series I am teaching very soon on Bibliology. It has been so fun doing the study for it and I just pray that God can use it in helping the basketball guys understand how accurate our English biblical text is compared to the original and bolster their faith in The Word.

  • Please pray that I continue to dig deeper in my relationship with God because that is the most vital thing for any ministry I am ever involved in.

  • Please pray that I would be fastidious in my work keeping the grounds of this missionary training campus.

Thanks so much for your prayers and support! For real. None of this is possible without you.

Luke Thek, MissionariesABC Team