February 2020 Update from Bob and Susan Engel
Thank you for your prayers for the World Impact Leadership Conference. There is much to share but here is our MISSION, BHAG (Big Holy Audacious Goal) and 3HAG (3 year) of where the Spirit of the Lord is leading World Impact in His Great Commission among the poor: MISSION – World Impact empowers urban leaders and partners with local churches to reach their cities with the Gospel. BHAG – A Healthy Church For Every Community of Poverty. 3HAG – Identify and empower 100 partners to empower 100,000 workers in communities of poverty. Please pray specifically for the 100 partners that we can equip, resource, consult who will then empower 100,000 Kingdom workers in communities of poverty to proclaim the gospel, make disciples and establish new churches.
February 20-22 several of our Evangel Deans will be facilitating a Spanish Evangel School of Urban Church Planting in Louisville, KY. Pray for the 4-5 church plant teams that will be attending, for our Evangel Deans who will be facilitating the training, for the Evangel Coaches giving guidance and input. Pray for wisdom and favor for me as I will be there to meet with several church plant network leaders.
February 25-28, are several key meetings with church planting movement leaders. Dr. Davis and I have meetings with: Patriarch Craig Bates of the Charismatic Episcopal Church; Rev. Dr. Yucan Chiu, President Ethnos Network; Dr. Caleb Maskell, Association of Vineyard Churches. Join us in praying that the Holy Spirit will guide our conversation and that we would find favor with these church plant movement leaders to strengthen their church planting efforts in communities of poverty both domestic and international.
Pray that the Spirit of the Lord would protect and draw the Engels closer to Himself in Christ Jesus.
Please give all my love to the ABC family.