April 2020 Prayer Needs from Cory and Kristiana Miller
For breakthrough that brings a swift end to the ravages of COVID-19. Pray for a vaccine, for a sharp decline in cases and fatalities, for a miracle.
For the world’s most unprotected people groups: refugees, prisoners, those who are living in poverty, and people who are homeless, to name a few. Pray for God’s mercy and protection over these people, whom he loves.
For those who are sick, whose loved ones are sick, or who are already bereaved. Pray for God’s supernatural comfort and peace in a time of so much loss—particularly because the grieving can’t gather with their friends and family for support.
For everyone who has lost their livelihood, their income, or their hope.
That God would step into the darkness around the world and do powerfully good things.Pray that now, while most of the people of Earth stay home and rest their hands, God would be shockingly active, turning hearts toward him and redeeming broken lives and hearts.
That our family would be faithful, joyful, peaceful, and unafraid of the future. Pray that we would trust God more and more daily, whatever happens next.
For a miraculously quick response to our visa appeal. Pray that our appeal is not abandoned somewhere, but that it will still somehow be processed this spring, giving us an answer by the end of May. Pray that our answer would be clear, and that our whole family would rejoice when we hear it, giving God glory for showing us the next step at last.