May 2020 Prayer Requests from Bob and Susan Engel

Here are my May prayer requests:

I’m excited to share that we have moved all of our Evangel School Dean Training, Evangel School Training, and all of our TUMI Capstone Curriculum online.  Through your prayers, our goal to see a healthy church established in every community of poverty has not been slowed down by the Covid-19 pandemic.  Though most of the world has been on “lock down”, the Kingdom of God is never quarantined and always moving forward.  We already have four applicants from Kenya begin their online Evangel School Dean Training.  Their vision is to reach unreached people groups with the Gospel leading to a church planting movement.  Pray that our online training can communicate more than just the tactics of hosting an Evangel School but that the spirit and passion of the Kingdom would come alive through the computer.  Please pray for the needed funds, also.  They are financially strapped and the corona virus has added to their need.  They are committed though, to do all they can to contribute to the cost of the training.

I shared last month about the stirrings of a vision for a church planting movement armed and led by Returning Citizens.  Thank you for praying for the Zoom meeting, on this  topic, that took place in April.  We had a strong group of diverse people at different levels of engagement in this vision.  Though there are some good things happening, there hasn’t been a tipping point.  Please join me in praying:  1) that a leader would arise and seize command of this vision, 2) that I would neither lag behind or move forward apart from the Spirit’s clear leading (1 Chronicles 14:10; Galatians 5:25).  There is a wonderful video produced by Prison Fellowship of our partnership but more importantly is a glimpse of how this vision can come to fruition:  TUMI on the inside training pastors and church planters for the outside as Returning Citizens.  Here is the link if you want to see it:

As many of you know, we live on the 4th floor of the World Impact Center.  The Center is up for sale and we are in the process of moving.  Moving is always a challenge but with Covid-19 it is a bit more of a challenge.  We are staying in the Newark area.  Please pray for a smooth transition as we balance the move, ministry, Susan’s practice, the kids, in the middle of Covid-19 and “shelter in place.”  Pray that the Spirit of the Lord would protect and draw the Engels closer to Himself in Christ Jesus.