May 2020 Update from Abel and Sarah Miller
Thanks to you for your prayers.
We are safe and sound in South Dakota. It is exciting and a little intimidating to look at the unknown that lies ahead of us. God has shown Himself to be faithful especially in these unknown futures.
Before leaving Tanzania, we had planned to be back here in the states for 8-10 months while catching folks up on where the Lord has been leading our group working in Southeast Africa. This quarantine and social distancing has thrown a wrench in those plans a bit. Even though we haven’t been able to be in contact with people, I have been able to keep working in the mornings on translation and other responsibilities from Tanzania, and also been able to get out and spend time with my family. Sarah’s dad, Andrew (our boy,) and I have been working also to clean out the woods of all the downed trees.
We have realized that we need some time to spend together as a family debriefing and talking through our last term and also talking and praying through some of the plans that we have for the future.
Please be praying for us to be able to rest and reconnect as a family. It seems like it is such a challenge to stay connected as a family when there are so many ‘good’ things to be doing in ministry.
I hope that the Lord continues to challenge you and grow you closer to Him, and help you to know His goodness even more.