April 2022 Prayer Request from Mitchel and Shari Janzen
Good Morning and thank you for praying with us and for us.
Here’s what we’re praying.
LORD, you know every kid’s story. The Believers and the Unbelievers. YOU know their temptations, wounds, fears, and the deceptions they believe. YOU know how their minds have been wired in this culture. YOU know exactly what they need and we believe YOU are the answer through JESUS. LORD of the harvest, please give more of us more opportunity to be with these kids. They are, no doubt, helpless and harassed, like sheep without a shepherd. We need connection with them and time with them. How do we keep their attention long enough to disciple them when they have devices at their fingertips? We know YOU know the answer. Help us, more of us, to pray for kids and to listen for YOUR guidance into their lives so that we might be a part of making YOU known to them. Only YOU and do it. Help us to encourage one another in our faith and to spur one another on to love and good works. HEAVENLY FATHER, we recognize that all of us are YOUR creation, made in YOUR image, but bro